What's Sizzling?

Colour Marketing Group has released their new colour pick for December, and it’s a hot little number called “Sizzle”. On a grey, snowy 1st of December day here in my part of Ontario, this power statement colour came with a spirit of cheer. 

Sizzle paint colour

Described at having the power to recharge and rejuvenate, it sits somewhere between fuchsia and hot pink, with a slightly blue undertone. 

On an accent wall it would add its own cheekiness, and in accessories and accent furnishings it could add beautiful texture and rich colour. 

benjamin moore colour palettes

I think it’s close to Benjamin Moore’s “Razzle Dazzle”, shown here with suggested colour pairings of “Blue Hydrangea” and “Wedding Veil” or “Hint of Mint” and “Mascarpone”.

It gets my creative juices flowing for some fresh decorating choices to beat those January blahs when they come. We can start the New Year with a bang by bringing this “take charge” colour to our decor palette. That’s going to be fun.

I guess we’d better get through December first!