Mother's Day
/Today we honour mothers, those who have born children as well as those who have not, but equally are mothers. Motherhood celebrates the nurture, care, mentorship, encouragement, acceptance, and unconditional love certain special women extend as the strong, beautiful, role models they are.
This Mother’s Day is the first one for me without my own mother who passed away last June. In many ways she was already gone to me years ago as dementia had taken her to that lost place that we don’t understand. I’m happy for the wonderful things she built into me as I formed into my own person.
I am so blessed to have had and still have several “mother’s” in my life. Each giving of their particular hearts all the things that brought us together, first as friends and then to the wonder of the intimate, trusting, open arms no-matter-what, most cherished relationships.
Photo credit Vivek Kumar
To so many of you in my circle who are amazing mothers, and to those of you I might not know personally but who are a part of this God given distinction - you know who you are - I celebrate you. What you do is paramount and worthy of recognition.
Happy Mother’s Day!