Colour Forecast For Spring 2019

Yesterday I sourced a fabric that will be used to reupholster a new bench coming into a living room space for my client. It’s the perfect colour to match with what we’ve chosen for the new chairs, sofa and window treatments.

I didn’t have those samples with me when I made the fabric pick but was pretty confident it would work. After dropping it off at my clients, I got home to a message waiting for me saying “Hi Jill - that fabric for the bench matches perfectly!” Nailed it…I love that feeling!



All that said to introduce you to the Color Marketing Groups choice for May 2019, this beautiful light blue that is almost a dead ringer for the bench fabric. I love when these things happen and it all comes together. It encourages me to know I’m instinctively on the right track.

It’s a light and airy colour, meant to be a soothing, classic, soft blue-green. Described as “the breath of fresh air for which the world has been longing.”

The marketing group suggested it on a ceiling for a sky experience. I think it could be used anywhere in an interior palette - rugs, cabinets, accessories. It would be beautiful with dark navy blue, coral, orange, or yellow and is quite stunning with black or grey tones.

Think about adding this beauty to your own space for a fresh update.

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